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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: GAIMME Time
Supplementary Print
High School

Exercises Encouraging Creativity for Mathematical Modeling

Author: Shelley B. Poole

GAIMME Time Editor's note: The goal of GAIMME time is to facilitate instructors as they include more modeling in their classrooms. One of the biggest hurdles to implementing modeling is the idea of letting go of control. In this issue of Consortium, we have asked Dr. Shelley Poole, a math modeling educator and experienced ImProv artist, to offer her insights and suggestions for overcoming this hurdle.

Mathematical Modeling requires creative thinking from students and instructors. The Äòstandard' mathematics classroom focuses on honing convergent thinking (finding the "correct" solution to problems). Mathematical modeling requires divergent thinking (a process to define many possible solutions). This article is written to help develop our own divergent thinking as teachers and foster divergent thinking in our classrooms.

©2020 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 119
4 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Application Areas:

Modeling Reference , GAIMME

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