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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Math Today
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High School

Mathematics and the Human Genome Part 1

Author: Joseph Malkevitch

In honor of the year 2000, many people have cast a backward glance at the last 100 years (or longer) to take stock of what mankind has accomplished. In the areas of science, mathematics, and technology there have been many stunning accomplishments. However, as dramatic as the accomplishmentshave been across the board, biology stands out for having made particularly impressive strides. One need only look at the development of antibiotics, vaccines, the Crick-Watson model for how DNA replicates, and the decipherment of the genetic code as landmarks of biology developed in the last 100 years.

©2000 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 75
3 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Application Areas:

Computational Molecular Biology

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