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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Articles
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Municipal Recycling: Location and Optimality

Author: Jannett Highfill and Michael McAsey

Recycling is difficult for local governments because it is a multidimensional problem. Not only are there biological, environmental, political, and perhaps even moral problems, but there are also several economic problems associated with recycling. Recent interest in municipal recycling is due in part to pressure from citizens who want more recycling opportunities. In addition, more than 40 states now have laws mandating levels of recycling from 25% to 75% [Glenn 19921. The 1988 Illinois law is typical; it requires large counties to have plans to recycle at least 25% of the municipal solid waste. While we will refer to a city, the local governmental unit could as well be a county, village, township, etc.

©1994 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 15.1
25 pages

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