Original Sources and The Lessons of History
Author: Dominic Klyve and Diana White
Series Introduction
Stories and Sources in the History of Mathematics
I am very pleased to be given the opportunity to edit a regular history column in Consortium. The history of mathematical modeling is almost as old as the history of mathematics itself, and I am convinced that by looking at this history, we can gain new insights into both the nature of mathematical modeling and in how to teach the subject to our students. In coming issues of Consortium, we'll explore the history of mathematics, with a special focus on mathematical modeling. We will also regularly share classroom materials which use this history to teach, motivate, or broaden understanding in our students. I'm proud to be a part of a journal which such a long history of its own, and look forward to being part of an on-going discussion with its readers.
In this first article, Diana White and I reflect on the value of history, explain the importance of primary sources, and discuss a new national project which is pursuing teaching mathematics at the university level from primary historical sources.

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