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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Articles
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High School

Should We Cancel?

Author: Paul J Campbell


For many years my family and I have enjoyed outdoor classic theatre at American Players Theatre (APT) in Spring Green, WI, located just under 100 miles from where we live. We usually picnic on the grounds, attend the play, and return by midnight. We enjoy the experience very much. What should we do if it looks as if it may rain?

The "Rules of the Game"

Here are the policies of APT and corresponding options:
• Before 4 P.M. the day before, we can exchange tickets for a different date.
• The players will play in light rain.
• A decision about cancelling the performance will be made within 45 min of onset of heavy rain.
• If the show is cancelled
- before the end of the first act: We may elect either a refund or else tickets for another performance (if available).
- after the end of the first act: We will be offered tickets for another performance (if available).

©2010 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 31.1
8 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Graph Theory, Probability

Application Areas:


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