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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Articles
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Some Applications of L'Hopital's Rule in Differential Equations

Author: Walter F. Martens and Arthur C. Segal

Even the best and most applications-oriented calculus textbooks, e.g. [I], do not provide any real world applications of L'Hopita11s Rule. In our view, the reason for this state of affairs is that most of the rule's applications occur later in the curriculum, in ordinary and partial differential equations. By this point, students of ten seem to have forgotten L'Hopitalts Rule, and differential equations textbooks do not seem t o take note of its usefulness and efficiency in analyzing some of the very important special cases of system parameters.

©1983 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 4.4
12 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Difference Equations, Calculus

Application Areas:

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