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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Everybody's Problems
Supplementary Print
High School

Spread of an Infectious Disease

Author: Daniel Teague, Dot Doyle

Last spring it was SARS.This winter it's the flu. In the spring it's SARS again and the avian flu.The spread of AIDS has been in the news for the last 15 years.

Every year students read articles in the news or see programs on television about the spread of some infectious disease. Since many modern curricula teach students to model with iterative or recursive equations, and modern calculators will generate sequences of values for these equations, modeling the spread of an infectious disease is an important and interesting project for students at both the Precalculus and Calculus levels.

©2004 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 86
7 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Precalculus & Trigonometry , Calculus , Probability & Statistics , Discrete & Finite Mathematics , Difference Equations

Application Areas:

Life Sciences & Medicine , Medicine

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