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Product ID: Articles
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Superior Beings , Their Powers , and the Problem of Evil: Can this be Mathematics?

Author: Steven J. Brams

The central question I pose in Superior Beings (Brams, 1983) is: If the reexisted a superior being who possessed the supernatural qualities of omniscience, omnipotence, immortality, and incomprehensibility, how would he/she act differently from us, and would these differences be knowable? (Because God, the superior being in the Judeo- Christian tradition, is generally described as male, I shall henceforth use the masculine pronoun form for convenience, but I intend no invidious gender distinctions, whether applied to supernatural or natural beings.) Theologians, philosophers of religion, and erudite scholars in other disciplines have addressed this and related questions before, but their answers, generally speaking, have not been informed by any systematic o r rigorous theory.

©1983 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 4.3
19 pages

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