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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Articles
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Undergraduate - Classroom Experiences in Applies Mathematics

Author: Robert L. Borrelli and Stavros N. Busenberg

Applied mathematics in an industrial setting often involves the reformulation of problems stated in nonmathematical language, the writing of computer programs for the numerical solution of the mathematical problems, the ability to work as part of a team, and the preparation of reports understandable by nonmathematicians. The Harvey Mudd College mathematics department has recognized the need for formal courses that teach such skills since the late sixties , when it implemented the first of a series of curricular changes designed to provide realistic experiences in applied mathematics in the undergraduate classroom. The results of some of these changes have had a lasting effect on our curriculum and we describe and compare three different approaches that we have found to be the most successful. These are: a) a modeling course centered on open ended problems; b) a course based on projects sponsored by industrial clients; and c) a required major project as a supplement to a standard applied analysis course.

©1980 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 1.3
10 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Applied Mathematics

Application Areas:

Modeling course

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