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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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Book/Course 2: Developing Mathematics through Applications: Intermediate Chapter 7 Probability Chapter 7 Preparat…
Book/Course 2: Developing Mathematics through Applications: Intermediate Chapter 8 Trigonometry Chapter 8 Prepara…
Sarah Flannery's In Code: A Mathematical Journey is an inspiring account of her explorations in cryptography. In parti…
Speech pathologists study human voice production with a particular interest in understanding disorders and what might…
Given two pieces of DNA we can use ideas from mathematics to determine a distance between them. This distance gives a…
If one believes that species evolve, then one can try to understand what happens at the DNA level. When DNA causes a p…
At the end of Part I of this series we posed the question of how far apart (distant) the two "DNA sequences" ACTTCGAGG…
In honor of the year 2000, many people have cast a backward glance at the last 100 years (or longer) to take stock of…
A differential equation (D.E.) is an equation containing one or more independent variables, functions, and derivatives…
In the previous Math Today column, Consortium 69, I introduced readers to the on-going search for optimal Golomb ruler…
The search for useful rulers is heating up. This search is not for kings, queens, CEO's, or ordinary household meterst…
Table of Contents: Editorial Write Your Own Contest Entry Special Section on the ICM Results of the 2007 Interdiscip…
Table of Contents: From the Publisher's Desk: BioMath Henry's Notes: Cycling of Expenses Historical Notes: Misnome…
The activities in this Pull-Out focus on maps, aerial photographs, and satellite images to track changes in land usage…
One of the enjoyable features of mathematical research at the old Bell Laboratories was the great variety of problems t…
The history of mathematics abounds in concepts each bearing the name of some great discoverer or diligent student of th…
Over the years I have found myself using the Internet more and more in my teaching in a variety of ways. In particular…
What makes mathematics a subtle, beautiful and exciting subject is the range of ideas that grow out of the most simple…
What is the best strategy in the bidding game on The Price Is Right? over the last twenty-four years, the television ga…
Early in our mathematical modeling course, Penelope Smith, the student co-author, fulfilled her library research assign…
In a recent article in this Journal [Brunner 1987], the theory of absorbing Markov chains was applied to the expected n…
Book/Course 1: Developing Mathematics through Applications: Elementary Chapter 1 Measurement 1.1 Measuring Length…
Book/Course 1: Developing Mathematics through Applications: Elementary Chapter 1 Measurement Instructor Notes Solu…
Publisher's Editorial Math Is More: Toward a National Consensus on Improving Mathematics Education About This Issue S…
This module considers measurement, precision, and accuracy in a variety of contexts. Mathematical topics include mean…
This module considers measurement, precision, and accuracy in a variety of contexts. Mathematical topics include mean…
This module is a review of basic algebra in the context of formulas from a variety of areas, including landscaping, cos…
This module is a review of basic algebra in the context of formulas from a variety of areas, including landscaping, cos…
Table of Contents: UMAP Modules 794 The Mathematics of Medical X-Ray Imaging 796 Photovoltaic Systems Off-Grid 797 C…
Table of Contents: Guest Editorial A Necessary and Required Foundation Articles The Search for Planets Beyond the So…
We consider various questions related to trading card collecting. Specifically, we find how much one must spend to have…
This article is about one big idea: "The rate at which the distance between us and a given star changes-it increases or…
Coin-tossing is generally viewed as the quintessential example of a random process. We focus on some counterintuitive a…
Klackers is a game in which players roll dice and then flip down tiles numbered 1 through 9 depending on the sum of the…
The St. Basil Cake In the Greek Orthodox tradition, New Year's Day is also the Feast Day of St. Basil (329-379), who w…
To Begin Our Session Have a question? Looking for an old friend? Need a reference for a paper? A popular and often eff…

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