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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, What do physicists want? It takes no psychoanalysis to figure out what teachers of the ...
Not so long ago most mathematicians showed little interest, and some of them even a little contempt, for the history,...
For the past several decades Presidents have been noted for the wars they have fought. Lyndon Johnson was famous for ...
Models of population growth are frequently employed for educational purposes. In this article we propose some reasons...
The fundamental common concept of all applied mathematics is a mathematical model. Before the twentieth century, most...
Although I am a mathematician by profession, I am active in poultry breeding as a hobby. I am occasionally asked if t...
In 1849 a German forester , Martin Faustmann, published a model for the optimal harvesting of timber. This model was ...
Applied mathematics in an industrial setting often involves the reformulation of problems stated in nonmathematical l...
Few would question whether mathematicians contribute to the study of the physical sciences. Physicists and engineers ...
This article describes a practical problem that arises when not all of the possible sizes for an industrial product c...
This discussion continues and augments ideas from Consortium 95, Fall/Winter 2008, pp. 3-7. It also reviews concepts ...
In this Pull-Out, students explore strategies that could make the difference between whether or not a business is suc...
Every four years, the International Congress on Mathematics Education is held to provide an opportunity to examine te...
This Math at Work column features four interviews conducted by UNC Chapel Hill students. They took my diffe...
Euclidean geometry, in a postulational setting, had come far as the golden era ended and the times of the commentator...
Yes. I know, that's what I promised in the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of Consortium! I didn't mean to lie. I recently s...
Ijust purchased my first Smartphone and, as a result, have been fascinated by all that it can do. I became interested...
Nomography, truly a forgotten art, is the graphical representation of mathematical relationshipsor laws (the Greekwor...
Financing describes a method of raising funds or capital. Many people finance an asset and pay for it in installments...
Table of Contents Guest Editorial Team-Based Resource Modeling Projects that Teach More Than Mathematics Content Ar...
Table of Contents: UMAP Modules 795 Option Pricing Using Arbitrage and Stochastic Calculus 800 Mathematics and Fai...
Five different voting methods, (the plurality, single runoff, instant runoff, Coombs', and Borda count methods) are p...
Modeling the beautiful and varied shapes of seashells sculpted by nature is an esthetically appealing application of ...
Terms frequently used to describe the many mathematical disciplines of today include impressive labels: theoretical, ...
Editorial Thanks to You All Articles Practical Play of the Dice Game Pig Using Calculus to AnalyzeWood in Streams ...
Introduction to Pig The object of the jeopardy dice game Pig is to be the first player to reach 100 points. Each tur...
Introduction Wood performs many important ecosystem functions in streams, such as encouraging scour of pools and bac...
Introduction For many years my family and I have enjoyed outdoor classic theatre at American Players Theatre (APT) i...
Contents 1. Setting the Scene 2. Background 3. Mission 3.1 Track Facts 3.2 Tire Performance 4. Requirements Reference...
We solve the Lights Out puzzle twice, once by means of matrix algebra and again using graph theory, and consider vari...
Introduction When I go to the store to buy something, I usually buy two of whatever it is, whether it is a jar of ma...
Introduction Submitting a query to a search engine is a common method of information retrieval. Companies compete to...
Introduction The puzzle No. Crunch was made by Binary Arts, which company changed its name to ThinkFun and produced ...
Table of Contents: UMAP Modules 799 Wireless Signal Processing ILAP Modules Who Falls through the Healthcare Safet...
This Module introduces mathematical analysis of problems in wireless signal processing, including signal recovery, po...
Guest Editorial Is There a Problem with Mathematical Modeling Courses? History and Present Status Articles How to Re...

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