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COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Racing to War
Mathematical models of the natural and physical world provide significant input into helping us understand our enviro...
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
Around the world, people enjoy caffeine in both food and drink. Caffeine is an alkaloid compound that comes from pla...
Secret Codes
The activities in this Pull-Out explore several methods of coding messages. Activity 1 opens with an easy code to c...
Genetics and a Mathematically Indefensible Historical Moment
Mathematical modeling is an important tool in both governmental policy decision-making and in industrial planning. I...
Geometry and Perspective Drawing
The activities in this Pull-Out explore the geometry of perspective drawing that is used to create depth in a pictur...
Modeling is a Two-Way Street
Mathematics is a powerful tool for helping us to understand the world. In the following discussion, we will investig...
Taking the Long View of Life
Consider a married couple planning the financial aspects of their retirement. What is the retirement value of one sp...
Fairness and Apportionment II
The activities in this Pull-Out explore the Hill method of apportionment, the method presently used to apportion the...
Fishing for Food and Profit
Future generations will not be able to enjoy Earth's renewable resources if we mismanage them now. Using quadratic f...
Fairness and Apportionment I
The activities in this Pull-Out deal with apportionment and the fairness/ unfairness associated with an apportionmen...
Mathematics and Uphill/Downhill Shooting
Eighteen-year-old Mike is about to shoot at the top of a cliff. At the other end of the line of sight, roughly 250 y...
Imperfect Testing
The activities in this Pull-Out deal with conditional probability. Activity 1 introduces conditional probability an...
Fishing and the Future
How well we manage the world's marine resources impacts the quality of life for much of the human race. Seafood prov...
Thrills and Spills In Motion II
The activities in this Pull-Out are a continuation of the topic of motion in Consortium 75. These activities focus o...
Iteration and Chaotic Dynamics
Have you ever played with your calculator by applying one of the functions over and over again? On some calculators ...
Thrills and Spills In Motion I
The activities in this Pull-Out serve both as an introduction to motion detector equipment and the study of motion. ...
Hazards of Heavy Metal
Human society with its desire for technological advancement and persisting lack of concern for consequences has prod...
Secret Codes
The activities in this Pull-Out section explore the role of mathematics in designing a coded message.
Does T.M. Need a Roth?
In the letter shown to the left from the 17 year-old T. M., he discusses putting $2000 into an IRA. The Taxpayer Rel...
The activities in this issue's Pull-Out explore the question, "How can you identify and describe a relationship betw...
A Study of the Genetics of Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease caused by a "defective" allele (or form) of a certain gene. Each person has t...
UMAP Journal 25.1 Spring 2004 Edition
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL "Party Like It's 1999!" SPECIAL MATHSERVE SECTION MathServe Lives On! Creating Week...
Using Fractals to Motivate Linear Algebra (UMAP)
We introduce a project that encourages the reader to "adopt" a fractal and then find out "everything" about it. We le...
Optimal Play of the Dice Game Pig (UMAP)
The object of the jeopardy dice game Pig is to be the first player to reach 100 points. Each player's turn consists o...
UMAP Journal 25.2 Summer 2004 Edition
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL Building a Modeling Community: MATHmodels.org SPECIAL SECTION ON THE ICM Results o...
Consortium 87, Fall/Winter 2004
Table of Contents: FROM THE PUBLISHER'S DESK Roots HiMCM NOTES Mathematical Modeling in High School HISTORICA...
UMAP Journal 25.3 Fall 2004 Edition - The 2004 MCM Contest Edition
Table of Contents: PUBLISHER'S EDITORIAL The Good Fight SPECIAL SECTION ON THE MCM Results of the 2004 Mathematic...
Cryptology and the Birthday Paradox
The birthday paradox is well known and appears in many popular books on mathematics. In the form in which it is most ...
Finite Mathematics as Environmental Modeling
This paper surveys the landscape of courses outside the track leading to calculus, describes an offering of a Finite ...
The Lexiconic Sections
Ah, the conic sections! Everyone knows (beware of statements that begin with the phrase Everyone knows . . . !) that...
What is Bayesian Statistics and Why Everything Else is Wrong
We use a single example to explain: *the Likelihood Principle *Bayesian statistics, and *why classical statistics can...
Arch Mathematics (UMAP)
In the springs of 1999 and 2001, I incorporated a series of Mathematica projects or "labs" into a vector analysis cou...
Recursion: Real and Imaginary Inflorescences (UMAP)
When a colleague from the Biology Dept. who knew I was interested in flowers introduced me to C.L. Porter's Taxonomy ...
Running a Faster Race (UMAP)
Owing to the enormous popularity of competitive running, there has long been widespread interest in finding methods t...
UMAP Journal 25.4 Winter 2004 Edition
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL The Mathematics of Democracy ARTICLES Optimal Growth and Productivity in Organizati...
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