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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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This unit introduces the equation y'=ky to describe proportionate rates of change. It studies properties characterist...
A unit that uses concepts and operations of matrices to optimize cost, quantities, and nutrient requirements for food...
In this unit, matrix concepts are used to create pictures on a display device that is controlled by a computer progra...
The Markov process pulls together related prior probabilities into chains of events. The description of the process i...
This module consists of several units: the first unit aproximates the derivatives of trigonometric functions; in the ...
A unit that involves calculus and determining constants of integration. With completion of this module students will:...
This module involves linear programming via elementary matrices enabling a student to learn how to use the simplex me...
This module applies calculus and business mathematics to finance and investment analysis. The article introduces the ...
This module involves differential equations and the biokinetics of a radioactive tracer. Table of Contents: INTROD...
This module develops a Markov-chain model that can be used to evaluate strategies of fire control and land management...
This unit presents an alternative to the classical optimal foraging models in behavioral ecology. The model presented...
This module helps students develop a visual intuition for working with mathematical funtions. It presents graphic exa...
Simple proper voting games and indices of voting power are discussed. Several real-world examples are considered, and...
A unit that studies and compares a number of indices of discomfort that take into account both temperature and humidi...
This module presents a mathematical study of the problem of evaluating the complexity of structured computer programs...
The geometrical probability model is defined in this module, and examples of probability problems are given in which ...
This module guides the readers through the analytic methods of determining the shape of the orbit and the period of r...
This module discusses the components of a typical power supply that uses household electricity. A simple mathematical...
This module illustrates how to construct and use a mathematical model for rating chess ability. The model is probabil...
A unit that applies the mathematics of finance to actuarial science. This module introduces the basic theory of life ...
The aim of this module is to show how phyllotactic patterns can be described with just a few mathematical constants a...
This module models the solera method of making sherry and demonstrates that the method results in a mixture whose com...
In this module students will: 1) use basic tools of Exploratory Data Analysis; 2) compare similar data sets with resp...
This module discusses and derives the key properties of one measure of diversity, the entropy function, and illustrat...
This module considers methods used to approximate the elementary functions on digital computers and electronic calcul...
This module gives an introduction to the modeling of blood cell populations and the role of modeling in the study of ...
This module presents an intoduction to classical projective geometry via a mostly coordinate-free analysis approach b...
This module analyzes the drag force on a sphere moving through a fluid, by applying dimensional analysis to reduce th...
In this module, computerized tomography is introduced, leading to a system of linear equations. An iterative techniqu...
This module discusses calculus techniques to gain insight into a problem of clinical and medical significance. The me...
This module discusses Newton's method as an efficient iterative procedure for approximating zeros of a differentiable...
This module seeks to: 1) stregnthen students' intuition in multidimensional geometry; 2) provide exercises that are a...
For a translation of UMAP module #719 into Portuguese see product #99719 Translation. This module provides the calcu...
This module uses Fermat's least-time principle for the path of light to derive the laws of reflection and refraction,...
Robots like SARAH, a robot that performs neurosurgical procedures, often use graph theory to make decisions about whe...
Robots like SARAH, a robot that performs neurosurgical procedures, often use graph theory to make decisions about whe...

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