Full Member Resources
COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Tessellations (GeoMAP)
Tessellations are found in art, architecture, and the natural world. Students work with increasingly difficult polygo...
Tessellations - Teacher's Notes (GeoMAP)
Tessellations are found in art, architecture, and the natural world. Students work with increasingly difficult polygo...
The Ricker Salmon Model (UMAP)
This module derives the model that describes the dynamics of a salmon population, which was developed by W.E. Ricker ...
Controlling the Effects of Interruptions (UMAP)
This module deals with the problem of scheduling a task when interruptions occus with a known probability. Numerous e...
Windchill (UMAP)
This module develops formulas for heat loss and wind chill in both metric and English units. Table of Contents: IN...
The Mathematics of Focusing a Camera (UMAP)
This module applies precalculus to photography. It introduces the reader to several photographic concepts, including ...
Applications of High School Mathematics in Geometrical Probability (UMAP)
This module applies high school mathematics to geometrical probability, and provides real world examples and exercise...
Where are All the Russian and Chinese Missiles Coming From? (UMAP)
New warheads and long-range rockets have been frequently tested by the USSR, the USA, and the PRC. To a serious appli...
Computer Implementation of Matrix Computations and Row Transformations on Matrices with Application to Solving Systems of Linear Equations (UMAP)
This module gives a comprehensive introduction to the use of a computer to perform a variety of matrix operations and...
Adders and Their Design (UMAP)
This module involves elementary group theory and abstract algebra as applied to adders and their design. It discusses...
Least Squares, Fish Ecology and the Chain Rule (UMAP)
This module relates least squares, fish ecology and the chain rule. The use of least-squares techniques to fit model ...
Finite - State Machines as Recognizers (UMAP)
This module develops the concept of a finite-state machine through number examples. It introduces regular expressions...
Matrix Multiplication and DC Ladder Circuits (UMAP)
This module relates matrix multiplication and DC ladder circuits. It presents a simple and natural context in which c...
Partial Payments in Loans and Savings (UMAP)
This module relates algebra through the topic of partial payments in loans and savings. It introduces compound intere...
Price Elasticity of Demand: Gambling, Heroin, Marijuana, Whiskey, Prostitution, and Fish (UMAP)
This module develops the mathematical concept of elasticity, expresses it in terms of logarithmic derivatives, and de...
The Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model (UMAP)
This module describes and analyzes qualitatively a simplified version of the predator-prey model attributed to Lotka ...
Compartment Models in Biology (UMAP)
This module uses differential equations to introduce compartment models. It also discusses the applications of compar...
Funding Pension Benefits: The Individual Spread Gain Method (UMAP)
This module relates precalculus with the individual spread gain method (also known as the individual aggregate method...
Graphic Differentiation Clarifies Helath Care Pricing (UMAP)
This module uses graphic differentiation to clarify health care pricing. It explains the notion of derivative graphic...
The Solar Concentrating Properties of a Conical Reflector (UMAP)
This module involves applications of solar energy optics. It contains a series of thirty-three problems that guide th...
Simple Mortality Functions (UMAP)
This module involves applied mathematics to the topic of human mortality and introduces some simple functions which d...
Two Level Factorial Designs and Yates' Analysis (UMAP)
This unit shows one way to analyze the results of a two-level factorial experiment. Students will learn how to: 1) us...
Round Numbers: An Introduction to Numerical Expression (UMAP)
In this module the notions of precision (absolute error) and accuracy (relative error) are introduced in the context ...
An Application of EDA to the 1980 New York City Marathon (UMAP)
A unit utilizing probability and statistics, applying EDA to the 1980 New York City Marathon. In this module both exp...
Surveying Outer Space (UMAP)
A unit that applies trigonometry to astronomy. This module demonstrates how trigonometry can be used to determine the...
The Chinese Postman Problem (UMAP)
A unit that applies finite mathematics to optimization focusing on the Chinese Postman Problem. This module introduce...
Concentration of Solutions (UMAP)
A unit that applies arithmetic to allied health. Upon completion of this module students should be able to: 1) calcul...
Simpson's Paradox (UMAP)
A unit that applies elementary statistics to population studies and data analysis. In this module, students learn by ...
Music and the Circular Functions (UMAP)
A unit that relates circular functions to the topic of music. This module represents a simplified version of how soun...
Traversability in Graphs (UMAP)
This module provides an elemntary introduction to Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs by modeling the Chinese Postman Pro...
Random Numbers (UMAP)
This module involves applications of statistics. In this module three facets of random numbers are considered: ways t...
Determining the Reachability of a Digraph (UMAP)
This module provides an investigation of digraphs, including the determination of the existence of paths from point A...
Series Reversion and Applications (UMAP)
This module applies advanced calculus to astronomy and engineering. Five conceptually different techniques for findin...
Inversion Theory and Peaucellier Linkage (UMAP)
A unit that involves inversion theory and Peaucellier linkage. Table of Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE CIRCLE O...
Reflections, Rotations and the Sextant (UMAP)
This module applies geometry to the topic of navigation. It focuses on the navigational instrument, the sextant. Ta...
The Spacetime World: Introduction to Spacetime (UMAP)
By an approach more geometrical than algebraic, this unit makes a quantitative understanding of relativistic kinemati...
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