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COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
How Much Food Could Our School Grow? An Example Modeling Problem.
For the past few years, in GAIMME Time, we have discussed the benefits of teaching mathematical modeling as well as s...
Polygonal Numbers and The Algebra of Sequences
This edition of Geometer's Corner develops one of my all-time favorite topics to teach. What follows can be incorpora...
How Many Ties? The Maximum Possible Debate Bracket Problem
In the course of modeling and studying the fairness of debate tournaments, an interesting problem arose that is also ...
Graphs from Rectangles
At its core mathematics is concerned with the study of patterns of different kinds. What is perhaps surprising is tha...
Modeling Pooled-Sample Testing, Part II
The context for this Modeling Pull-Out involves modeling pooled- sample testing for diseases or drug usage in order t...
Data Detectives: ShotSpotter in Chicago
Introduction ShotSpotter is a technology to detect, locate, and report gunshots to police. Its deployment in Chicago...
UMAP Journal 41.1 Spring 2020 Edition
Table of Contents Guest Editorial Advanced Mathematical Modeling Articles Mr. Markov Plays Goose Solitaire The Var...
Math for Drummers (UMAP)
This Module presents musical and mathematical topics in a general education mathematics course entitled Sounding Numb...
Change-Point Models: What Are They and Why Do We Need Them?
Introduction So what is a "change point"? Formally, a change point is a point at which the statistical properties of...
Mr. Markov Plays Goose Solitaire
Introduction The Game of the Goose (hereafter simply "Goose") is an early modern board game, existing as early as 14...
The Variational Principle and Einstein's Gravity
Introduction In Isaac Newton's theory, gravity is a force between masses. You are probably familiar with the equatio...
UMAP Journal 41.2 Summer 2020 Edition
Table of Contents Guest Editorial Down with Base-10 Logarithms! Articles Fish Allocation: KKT to the Rescue Optimi...
Optimizing Disaster Relief From a Navy Aircraft Carrier
Abstract We discuss maximizing delivery of aid from an aircraft carrier to people in an area hit by a disaster, such...
Consortium 118, Spring/Summer 2020
Table of Contents: From the Editor's Desk: From All of Us at COMAP GAIMME Time: Using Modeling to Reinforce Non-Mat...
Math for Poets (UMAP)
This Module presents musical and mathematical topics in a general education mathematics course entitled "Sounding Num...
Fish Allocation KKT to the Rescue
Abstract We solve an actual practical problem for a fish farm. We model the problem as an inequality-constrained pro...
Modeling Movies Using Network Science, Part 2
This pull-out is the second part of a two-part series. The expectation is that students have completed the activities...
Arrangements of Curves
Geometry has dramatically
evolved from metrical
work (measuring lengths,
angles, areas and perimeters)
The Circle-Pass Matching Algorithm
Students' creative responses to an open-ended activity lead to a rich and interesting mathematical model and related ...
A Circle Tangent Medley
One of the classic problems
in ancient geometry
is: given three circles A, B,
and C that are pairwise tangent,
Using Modeling to Reinforce Non-Mathematical Skills Part 3
As instructors of mathematics, we cannot overlook the diverse array of students that pass through our classrooms. Man...
UMAP Journal 41.3 Fall 2020 Edition - The 2020 ICM Contest Edition
Table of Contents Publisher's Editorial A Note of Thanks ICM Modeling Forum Results of the 2020 Interdisciplinary C...
Consortium 119, Fall/Winter 2020
Table of Contents: From the Publisher's Desk: How to Say Thanks GAIMME Time: Exercises Encouraging Creativity Geom...
Modeling Crystals and Quasicrystals
This Pull Out consists of four activities that develop concepts related to mathematical crystals and quasicrystals. A...
Exercises Encouraging Creativity for Mathematical Modeling
GAIMME Time Editor's note: The goal of GAIMME time is to facilitate instructors as they include more modeling in thei...
Transforming the Cube
This edition of Geometer's
Corner will focus on how
one can transform a Cube
or Hexahedron in a very
A Method for Ranking Teams Based on Simple Paths
Abstract Rankings play an important role in sports, as well as in the evaluation of proposals and the operation of s...
Executive Summary
In the Interdisciplinary Contest in Mathematics (ICM) and Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), a team provides a o...
UMAP Journal 40.1 Spring 2019 Edition
Editorial With Many Thanks- And a Plea for Help Final Farewell to a Founder Articles You Only Need a Bit of Luck to ...
Consortium 116, Spring/Summer 2019
Table of Contents: From the Editor's Desk: HiMCM: Get Involved! GAIMME Time: Using Modeling to Reinforce Non-Mathem...
You Only Need a Bit of Luck To Win MTVs Are You the One?
Introduction Are You the One? is an MTV reality show in which a cast of single women and single men try to discover ...
The Cutoff Paradox in the Kansas Presidential Caucuses
Abstract The Kansas Republican Party uses an apportionment method of its own invention to apportion delegates to can...
The Coming Great Pall of China: Demography of a One-Child Family
Introduction This department of The UMAP Journal is devoted to the final step in mathematical modeling: comparing th...
Complexity Modeling: Solving Modern Problems and Confronting Real Issues
Introduction Applied mathematics and science have made substantial progress in modeling methodologies that have resu...
Using Modeling To Reinforce Non-Mathematical Skills Part 2 - Teamwork
Even though we are math teachers by discipline, our students need to be prepared for an interdisciplinary world. A so...
Tetrahedral Transformations
One of the great things that can happen in mathematics occurs when ideas in one discipline can be used to understand ...
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